Sunday, March 13, 2005


There are lots of ways to raise money for a good cause, but after last Thursday night, I can't think of one more effective then an auction.

Brooklyn Law Students for the Public Interest (BLSPI) threw their annual auction last week, and it seems to have been a huge success. Maybe it was their authentic little auctioneer, maybe it was the feeling that comes from helping a good cause, maybe it was just the $5 bottomless beer and the fiscal confidence it bestows, but I'm hooked. BLSPI raised $40,280, and though I can't claim to be responsible for any part of that amount, since I was outbid on every item, it was nice trying. There's an adrenaline rush that comes from bidding $600 for a weekend in someone else's cabin when you know that you only have $70 left in your checking account.

It was shocking to see how much disposable income some of my fellw students had. Nearly $400 for cocktails and dinner with Prof CivPro? Especially when you know the poor old guy would be more than happy to take his students out for free. It's all for a good cause though. I'm addicted to the action, but I'm starting off on a budget.